Corporate Compliance


Signet Health is committed to providing the highest quality of behavioral healthcare with complete integrity. We develop strong alliances with our client hospitals through clinically sound programming, financially viable operations, and moral values. All representatives of Signet Health have a personal responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the highest ethical standards. The Signet Health Integrity Program exists to maintain our reputation of trustworthy knowledge and industry experience.


Upholding Our Values


Our expectation is that all employees and representatives will live out our values, as well as our code of ethics and conduct, by choosing to do the right thing in every circumstance. Those affiliated with Signet are required to comply with applicable laws, company policies, and the regulations which govern the places where Signet operates.


Our Responsibility


The Signet team provides clear direction for the establishment, development, and effective management of a sound behavioral health strategy for patient rehabilitation. Our team members offer guidance rooted in years of industry expertise, which are then tailored for each client. It is our aim to offer quality expertise from people you can trust.

We encourage clients, patients, and staff to raise any concerns as they occur to ensure a swift resolution.


Setting the Standard for Ethical Behavioral Healthcare


Do you have any questions or concerns? The Signet Health Ethics Line is here for you 24/7. Click here to Report a Concern or call 844.299.1081